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The Infinite Grand Hotel Paradox

Writer's picture: toinfinityandbeyondmathclubtoinfinityandbeyondmathclub

Welcome to the Infinite Grand Hotel. Here, impossibility is a minor inconvenience and Hilbert’s theory is like a house rule. This place has an infinite number of rooms, each already occupied by a guest.

Imagine a grand hotel with an infinite number of rooms, each of which is already occupied by a guest. Suddenly, there’s a ring and a new guest enters the hotel and asks for a room. In a regular hotel, this would spell disaster, but not in this one. The hotel manager decides to accommodate the new guest by moving the occupant of room 1 to room 2, the occupant of room 2 to room 3, and so on. Basically, a guest in room n moves to room n+1. This way, room 1 becomes available for the new guest. It’s like pulling rabbits out of a hat except the rabbits are theoretical numbers and the hat is infinitely accommodating.

But wait, there's more! Just when you thought things couldn't get any crazier, an infinite number of new guests show up at the hotel. How will the manager accommodate them all? Easy! He simply moves the occupant of room 1 to room 2, the occupant of room 2 to room 4, the occupant of room 3 to room 6, and so on. Basically, a guest in room n moves to room 2n. This way, all the new guests can be accommodated in the even-numbered rooms while leaving the odd-numbered rooms occupied by the existing guests.

Now, here comes the fun part. What if an infinite number of buses, each containing an infinite number of guests, arrive at the hotel? How will the manager make room for all of them? Well, he can simply ask each guest in room n to move to room 2n, thereby freeing up all the odd-numbered rooms for the new guests.

Now, suppose an infinite number of buses, each with an infinite number of passengers, arrive. This situation, mind-boggling as it may seem, still fits within the realm of countable infinity. First of all, the existing guests move from room n to room 2n as in the previous example.

As there are an infinite number of prime numbers, each bus is assigned a prime number. Bus 1 corresponds to prime number 3 (as we have already shifted the guest in Room 1 to Room 2). Bus 2 corresponds to prime number 5. Bus 3 corresponds to prime number 7. And so on.

For the passengers of Bus n (where n starts from 1 for the first bus, 2 for the second bus, etc.), we use the formula:

n is the nth prime number assigned to the bus, and k is the passenger number within that bus. So for example, passenger 1 in bus 1 (assigned prime number 3) goes to Room 31 = 3, passenger 2 goes to 9 and so on.

But how does this work? Well, each room number is a distinct power of a prime number, ensuring no two passengers share the same room.

Despite the infinite nature of buses and passengers, each can be mapped to a unique room using countable processes. The set of all such room numbers remains countable because each room assignment follows a systematic enumeration using primes and powers.

Uncountable infinity is a bigger kind of infinity where you can't list things one by one, no matter how hard you try. The set of all possible decimal numbers between 0 and 1 is uncountably infinite. You can't count them all because there are just too many. To handle uncountable infinity, however, we'd need a hotel of a fundamentally different nature—one that transcends our countable structure. It’s like trying to fit an ocean into a teacup.

One such example could be: getting a set of requests for rooms where each request corresponds to a unique infinite sequence of 0s and 1s. This is like asking for every possible way to write a number between 0 and 1 in binary (a number system with only 0s and 1s). There are so many different sequences that, no matter what, cannot be counted, even by a prisoner lying in prison drawing 0s and 1s rather than tally marks until the end of time.

So, if every possible infinite binary sequence wanted a room, the hotel would run out of space, because uncountable infinity is just too vast.

The Infinite Grand Hotel is a remarkable place, designed to celebrate the mind-blowing concept of mathematical infinity. With an endless number of rooms and clever ideas straight from Hilbert's theories, it can handle any number of guests imaginable—whether it's a never-ending line of buses packed with infinite passengers or even crazier setups that need some next-level logic to sort out.

It showcases the beauty and intricacy of mathematical concepts, playfully reminding us of the structures within infinity. Despite its bending of reality, there are hierarchies defining its boundaries. This whimsical hotel offers a blend of hospitality and mathematical wonder, highlighting the idea that some infinities can be more infinite than others even in an infinite world.

By Jiya Doshi


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